Vaccine Development

To realize the potential of novel, recombinant approaches to rapid vaccine development and manufacturing, you need a flexible transfection method that enables you to adapt fast. Our versatile electroporation technology facilitates rapid development of recombinant proteins, virus-like particles (VLPs) and virus-replicon particles (VRPs) in your manufacturing cells, eliminating delays during cell type switching and scale-up.

Choose the right transfection method and use the right cells from the start

Vaccine efficacy depends on eliciting a potent immune response, and this requires a suitable antigen with biologically relevant post-translational modifications. Switching cell types changes your antigen. MaxCyte® electroporation enables you to use the same cells from day one, reducing variables to simplify your process.

Improved binding of broadly neutralizing mAbs to rgp120 produced in MGAT1-deficient CHO cells.


CHO cells produce consistent antibody titres following small scale or large scale electroporation without reoptimization.

Large scale manufacturing comes naturally

Once you’ve identified vaccine candidates and defined the process, you don’t want to reoptimize conditions to progress into manufacturing. MaxCyte electroporation delivers consistent transfection performance and cell viability at any scale up to 2x1011 cells, so you only have to optimize conditions once.

Speed and safety are paramount during a pandemic response

The field of vaccine research and development has been in the global spotlight with intense competition to develop safe, effective vaccines in the shortest time possible. MaxCyte electroporation enables researchers to transfect virtually any cell at any scale, reproducibly and efficiently to support vaccine development at a pandemic pace.

Dendritic Cell-1

Looking for Dendritic Cell Vaccines?

Dendritic cells can induce an immune response against infectious diseases or cancer antigens.

Electroporation Systems

MaxCyte’s scalable transfection technology is a rapid solution to produce complex biologics. The MaxCyte ExPERT STx® is the next generation of the industry’s leading electroporation technology for seamless transition from R&D to manufacturing scale.


Reagents and Processing Assemblies

MaxCyte’s consumable products provide a variety of options for project scale and throughput from discovery through manufacturing using a single platform. Our range of Processing Assemblies allows users to transfect a variety of sample volumes to meet specific application needs. MaxCyte’s universal electroporation buffer is animal-derived component free and safe for all cell types ensuring consistent, high-performance transfection.

Want to learn more about our Technology?

For questions about transient transfection to streamline your vaccine development.