Graph Details: Primary human natural killer (NK) cells were collected from 4 individual donors and activated overnight in 1 ng/mL IL-15. The following day, 3 - 4 x 106 NK cells along with 5 μg mRNA GFP and 45 μL MaxCyte Electroporation Buffer was loaded into each well of the R-50x3 processing assembly and the OC-100 was used as the device control. Cells were electroporated on the MaxCyte GTx™ instrument, then collected and cultured in 1 ng/mL IL-15 media for 24 hours then assessed by flow cytometry. Graphs show the average results and standard error of cells taken from 4 individual donors electroporated with 5 processing assemblies, 2 used for the same donor, with each well of the R-50x3 analyzed individually. The negative control is the average of 4 samples. Experimental data courtesy of Dr. Todd Fehniger’s Laboratory, Washington University in St Louis, Department of Medicine, Division of Oncology with special appreciation to Pamela Wong.